KA-2900A-FF 全自動直驅式高速電子鬆緊帶接合專用機
1. 本機器具備52mm×12mm的縫製範圍,可因應多樣的縫製要求。
2. 專門針對連結鬆緊帶而設計、呈現出舒適美觀平整的觸感。
3. 針對各式各樣鬆緊織物上的需求,加以變化及設計。
Computer-controlled, Directly-driving Type, High Speed,
Elastic Loop Joined Sewing Machine.
1. The machine offers a sewing area:52mm X 12mm that matches varied applications.
2. This machine is special designed for joining elastic loop that offers a smooth join.
3. To follow all kinds of elastic fabric demand for changing the pattern and design.