VG-888A-356/EST ( ACCOR AR-888A-356/EST )
星菱牌 筒型高速三針五線自動切線綳縫機系列
產品說明: cheng-yih High Speed Cylinder-Bed 3-Needle 5-Thread Interlock Machine 本公司為提升競爭力與國際化,特以最精密的技術研發了SHING LING VG-888A 優良新機種。提升產量及降低成本,是本公司一直追求的目標。 為因應未來針織布品的變化,本公司已開發成VG-888A新機種,可調換之底線供給機構,如各種厚薄之針織布料在車縫作業都能輕鬆快速進行,本機種已榮獲申請多項新專利,仿冒必究。 Pursuing high quality interlock machines to create customers's maximum benefits is our constant target ."SHING LING" brand -VG-888A series are our newly-developed interlock sewing machine to react a variety of knitting materials and fashion tredn.Versatile and user-friendly features ensure good-finish work on stitch covering, hemming, tape binding, and fabric attaching. Worldwide patents are reserved.